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Lockdown Trends

We started lockdown with a look at 10 reasons to be cheerful, now, 10 weeks in, how many have these buying trends have you succumbed to?

Week One: Loo roll. In spite of no evidence that Covid 19 symptoms required more paper, supermarket trollies bulged with mountains of loo paper!

Week Two: Flour. Baking became the craze and sales of flour rose by 92% by the end of March

Week Three: Puzzles and games – and not just for children!

Week Four: Home Office stuff. The realisation that working from home would not just be a temporary measure saw a spike in interest for home office equipment.

Week Five: Fitness equipment. With the liver creaking, and clothes getting tight, fitness equipment sales soared by 170%.

Week Six: Hair clippers. The Robinson Crusoe look was not a fashionable one so we took matters into our own hands

Week Seven: Wine Delivery. Surprisingly late in the list some might say but April saw confirmation that our consumption was on the rise with the ONS reporting alcohol-focussed stores saw a 31% spike in sales.

Week Eight: Hot Tubs. News to me but apparently with the good weather and the urge to enjoy our gardens, not to mention that summer holidays were looking increasingly unlikely, we turned to the hot tub

Week Nine: Bicycles. The wonderful weather and Boris’ plea for us to avoid public transport saw us literally ‘getting on our bikes’.

Week Ten: Interiors. Spending 10 weeks indoors has given us all the opportunity to examine every nook and cranny of our homes, what needs replacing, what we would like to change and update.

Week 11: Prediction and hope. We spend spend spend on our homes.
