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Manufacturers support ‘new’ Carpet Foundation

Manufacturers are giving their resounding support to the ‘refocussed’ Carpet Foundation. To date, eight manufacturers have signed up to become Patron members and talks are ongoing with several more.

Edel Telenzo and Whitestone Weavers have joined for the first time while Cavalier have re-joined.  These three join Brintons, Brockway, Cormar, Ulster and Victoria in supporting the Carpet Foundation together with the British Wool Marketing Board.

Chief Executive Andrew Stanbridge said: “I am delighted with the response from manufacturers.  It is a real boost to get new members and illustrates the desire of suppliers to the UK retail trade to support independent retailers. Talking to our new recruits, they not only want a body that will be their ‘voice’ but also recognise the work being done by the CF.  It is now more manageable for them financially and membership is more inclusive.”

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