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Striking a blow for independent shopkeepers

Striking a blow for independent shopkeepers, Malton, a small Yorkshire town, has defeated urban planners. It was a great victory for the butcher, baker and candle stick maker! For seven long years, residents opposed the proposal to build a vast new supermarket which would, in all probability, have driven out the small independent shopkeepers.

It took two public inquiries, endless protests, battles with local councillors and a fair bit of money – but they merged victorious. In succeeding, campaigners struck a blow for grassroots democracy. They showed how with energy, drive, commitment, passion, organisation and a love of the town, (not to mention a degree of anger!) it is possible to win against the commercial goliaths who destroy the fabric of our high streets.

Independent shops give a town much of its character – not to mention a wonderful personal and knowledgeable service. That is why we are proud of our retail members and promote them as the people to buy carpet from. Well done Malton we say!
